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152010771 shows a sample Ethernet configuration structure for Ethernet devices.

Code Block
titleListing - Ethernet Device Configuration
const  NET_DEV_CFG_ETHER  NetDev_Cfg_Dev1_0 = {
                           /* Structure member:                                           */
    NET_IF_MEM_TYPE_MAIN,  /*     .RxBufPoolType                                          */ (1)
    1518u,                 /*     .RxBufLargeSize                                         */
      10u,                 /*     .RxBufLargeNbr                                          */
       4u,                 /*     .RxBufAlignOctets                                       */
       0u,                 /*     .RxBufIxOffset                                          */

    NET_IF_MEM_TYPE_MAIN,  /*     .TxBufPoolType                                          */
    1606u,                 /*     .TxBufLargeSize                                         */
       4u,                 /*     .TxBufLargeNbr                                          */
      64u,                 /*     .TxBufSmallSize                                         */
       4u,                 /*     .TxBufSmallNbr                                          */
       4u,                 /*     .TxBufAlignOctets                                       */
       0u,                 /*     .TxBufIxOffset                                          */

    0x00000000u,           /*     .MemAddr                                                */
             0u,           /*     .MemSize                                                */

    NET_DEV_CFG_FLAG_NONE, /*     .Flag                                                   */

             6u,           /*     .RxDescNbr                                               */ (2)
             6u,           /*     .TxDescNbr                                               */ (3)
    0x40028000u,           /*     .BaseAddr                                                */ (4)
             0u,           /*     .DataBusSizeNbrBits                                      */ (5)
   "00:50:C2:25:61:00",    /*     .HW_AddrStr                                              */ (6)

  1. Memory configuration of the Ethernet Device. See “Memory Configuration” for further information about how to configure the memory of your Ethernet interface.
  2. .RxDescNbr specifies the number of receive descriptors. For DMA-based devices, this value is used by the device driver during initialization in order to allocate a fixed-size pool of receive descriptors to be used by the device. The number of descriptors must be less than the number of configured receive buffers. We recommend setting this value to something within 40% and 70% of the number of receive buffers. Non-DMA based devices may configure this value to zero. You must use this setting with DMA based devices and at least two descriptors must be set.
  3. .TxDescNbr specifies the number of transmit descriptors. For DMA based devices, this value is used by the device driver during initialization to allocate a fixed size pool of transmit descriptors to be used by the device. For best performance, it’s recommended to set the number of transmit descriptors equal to the number of small, plus the number of large transmit buffers configured for the device. Non-DMA based devices may configure this value to zero. You must use this setting with DMA based devices and set at least two descriptors.
  4. .BaseAddr specifies the base address of the device’s hardware/registers.
  5. .DataBusSizeNbrBits specifies the size of device's data bus (in bits), if available.
  6. .HW_AddrStr specifies the desired device hardware address; may be NULL address or string if the device hardware address is configured or set at run-time. Depending on the driver, if this value is kept NULL or invalid, most of the device driver will automatically try to load and use the hardware address located in the memory of the device.

Ethernet PHY Configuration

152010771 shows a typical Ethernet PHY configuration structure.

titleListing - Ethernet PHY Configuration

    NET_PHY_ADDR_AUTO,                   (1)
    NET_PHY_BUS_MODE_MII,                (2)
    NET_PHY_TYPE_EXT                     (3)
    NET_PHY_SPD_AUTO,                    (4)
    NET_PHY_DUPLEX_AUTO,                 (5)

  1. PHY Address. This field represents the address of the PHY on the (R)MII bus. The value configured depends on the PHY and the state of the PHY pins during power-up. Developers may need to consult the schematics for their board to determine the configured PHY address.
    Alternatively, the PHY address may be detected automatically by specifying NET_PHY_ADDR_AUTO; however, this will increase the initialization latency of µC/TCP-IP and possibly the rest of the application depending on where the application places the call to NetIF_Start().
  2. PHY bus mode. This value should be set to one of the following values depending on the hardware capabilities and schematics of the development board. The network device BSP should configure
    the Phy-level hardware based on this configuration value.


  3. PHY bus type. This field represents the type of electrical attachment of the PHY to the Ethernet controller. In some cases, the PHY may be internal to the network controller, while in other cases, it may be attached via an external MII or RMII bus. It is desirable to specify which attachment method is in use so that a device driver can initialize additional hardware resources if an external PHY is attached to a device that also has an internal PHY. Available settings for this field are:



  4. Initial PHY link speed. This configuration setting will force the PHY to link to the specified link speed. Optionally, auto-negotiation may be enabled. This field must be set to one of the following values:

  5. Initial PHY link duplex. This configuration setting will force the PHY to link using the specified duplex. This setting must be set to one of the following values:


Wireless Device Configuration

The listing below shows a sample wireless configuration structure for wireless devices.

Code Block
titleListing - Wireless device memory configuration
const  NET_DEV_CFG_WIFI  NetDev_Cfg_WiFi_0 = {
                                           /* Structure member:                           */
    NET_IF_MEM_TYPE_MAIN,                  /*     .RxBufPoolType                          */ (1)
    1518u,                                 /*     .RxBufLargeSize                         */
       9u,                                 /*     .RxBufLargeNbr                          */
      16u,                                 /*     .RxBufAlignOctets                       */
       0u,                                 /*     .RxBufIxOffset                          */

    NET_IF_MEM_TYPE_MAIN,                  /*     .TxBufPoolType                          */
    1606u,                                 /*     .TxBufLargeSize                         */
       4u,                                 /*     .TxBufLargeNbr                          */
      64u,                                 /*     .TxBufSmallSize                         */
       2u,                                 /*     .TxBufSmallNbr                          */
      16u,                                 /*     .TxBufAlignOctets                       */
       0u,                                 /*     .TxBufIxOffset                          */

    0x00000000u,                           /*     .MemAddr                                */
             0u,                           /*     .MemSize                                */

    NET_DEV_CFG_FLAG_NONE,                 /*     .Flag                                   */

    NET_DEV_BAND_DUAL,                     /*     .Band                                    */ (2)

      25000000L,                           /*     .SPI_ClkFreq                             */ (3)
    NET_DEV_SPI_CLK_POL_INACTIVE_HIGH,     /*     .SPI_ClkPol                              */ (4)
    NET_DEV_SPI_CLK_PHASE_FALLING_EDGE,    /*     .SPI_ClkPhase                            */ (5)
    NET_DEV_SPI_XFER_UNIT_LEN_8_BITS,      /*     .SPI_XferUnitLen                         */ (6)
    NET_DEV_SPI_XFER_SHIFT_DIR_FIRST_MSB,  /*     .SPI_XferShiftDir                        */ (7)

   "00:50:C2:25:60:02",                    /*     .HW_AddrStr                              */ (8)

  1. Memory configuration of the wireless device. See µC/TCP-IP Network Interface Configuration for further information about how to configure the memory of your wireless interface.
  2. .Band specifies the desired wireless band enabled and used by the wireless device. This value should be set to one of the following values depending on the
    hardware capabilities and the application requirements.

  3. .SPI_ClkFreq specifies the SPI controller’s clock frequency (in Hertz) configuration for writing and reading on the wireless device.

  4. .SPI_ClkPol specifies the SPI controller’s clock polarity configuration for writing and reading on the wireless device. The network device BSP should configure the SPI
    controller’s clock polarity based on this configuration value.

  5. .SPI_ClkPhase specifies the SPI controller’s clock phase configuration for writing and reading on the wireless device. The network device BSP should configure the SPI controller’s clock phase based on this configuration value.

  6. .SPI_XferUnitLen specifies the SPI controller’s transfer unit length configuration for writing and reading on the wireless device. The network device BSP should configure the SPI
    controller’s transfer unit length based on this configuration value.
  7. .SPI_XferShiftDir specifies the SPI controller’s shift direction configuration for writing and reading on the wireless device. The network device BSP should configure the SPI controller’s transfer unit length based on this configuration value.

  8. .HW_AddrStr specifies the desired device hardware address; may be NULL address or string if the device hardware address is configured or set at run-time. Depending on the driver, if this value is kept NULL or invalid, most device
    drivers will automatically try to load and use the hardware address located in the memory of the device.

Loopback Configuration

Configuring the loopback interface requires only a memory configuration, as described in µC/TCP-IP Network Interface Configuration.

Listing 5-9 shows a sample configuration structure for the loopback interface.

Code Block
titleListing - Sample loopback interface configuration
const  NET_IF_CFG_LOOPBACK  NetIF_Cfg_Loopback = {

    NET_IF_MEM_TYPE_MAIN,                             (1)
    1518,                                             (2)
      10,                                             (3)
       4,                                             (4)
       0,                                             (5)

    NET_IF_MEM_TYPE_MAIN,                             (6)
    1594,                                             (7)
       5,                                             (8)
      64,                                             (9)
       5,                                            (10)
       4,                                            (11)
       0,                                            (12)

    0x00000000,                                      (13)
             0,                                      (14)

    NET_DEV_CFG_FLAG_NONE                            (15)

  1. Receive buffer pool type. This configuration setting controls the memory placement of the receive data buffers. Buffers may either be placed in main memory or in a dedicated, possibly higher speed, memory region (see point #13, below). This field should be set to one of the two macros:

  2. Receive buffer size. This field sets the size of the largest receivable packet, and can be set to match the application’s requirements.

    Note: If packets are sent from a socket bound to a non local-host address, to the local host address (, then the receive buffer size must be configured to match the maximum transmit buffer size, or maximum expected data size, that could be generated from a socket bound to any other interface.
  3. Number of receive buffers. This setting controls the number of receive buffers that will be allocated to the loopback interface. This value must be set greater than or equal to one buffer if loopback is receiving only UDP. If TCP data is expected to be transferred across the loopback interface, then there must be a minimum of four receive buffers.
  4. Receive buffer alignment. This setting controls the alignment of the receive buffers in bytes. Some processor architectures do not allow multi-byte reads and writes across word boundaries and therefore may require buffer alignment. In general, it is probably best practice to align buffers to the data bus width of the processor which may improve performance. For example, a 32-bit processor may benefit from having buffers aligned on a 4-byte boundary.

  5. Receive buffer offset. The loopback interface receives packets starting at base index 0 in the network buffer data areas. This setting configures an offset from the base index of 0 to receive loopback packets. The default offset of 0 should be configured. However, if loopback receive packets are configured with an offset, the receive buffer size must also be adjusted by the additional number of offset bytes.

  6. Transmit buffer pool type. This configuration setting controls the memory placement of the transmit data buffers for the loopback interface. Buffers may either be placed in main memory or in a dedicated, possibly higher speed, memory region (see point #13, below). This field should be set to one of two macros:
  7. Large transmit buffer size. At the time of this writing, transmit fragmentation is not supported; therefore this field sets the size of the largest transmittable buffer for the loopback interface when the application sends from a socket that is bound to the local-host address.
  8. Number of large transmit buffers. This field controls the number of large transmit buffers allocated to the loopback interface. The developer may set this field to zero to make room for additional large transmit buffers, however, the number of large plus the number of small transmit buffers must be greater than or equal to one for UDP traffic and three for TCP traffic.
  9. Small transmit buffer size. For devices with a minimal amount of RAM, it is possible to allocate small transmit buffers as well as large transmit buffers. In general, we recommend 64 byte small transmit buffers, however, the developer may adjust this value according to the application requirements. This field has no effect if the number of small transmit buffers is configured to zero.
  10. Number of small transmit buffers. This field controls the number of small transmit buffers allocated to the device. The developer may set this field to zero to make room for additional large transmit buffers, however, the number of large plus the number of small transmit buffers must be greater than or equal to one for UDP traffic and three for TCP traffic.
  11. Transmit buffer alignment. This setting controls the alignment of the receive buffers in bytes. Some processor architectures do not allow multi-byte reads and writes across word boundaries and therefore may require buffer alignment. In general, it is probably best practice to align buffers to the data bus width of the processor which may improve performance. For example, a 32-bit processor may benefit from having buffers aligned on a 4-byte boundary.
  12. Transmit buffer offset. This setting configures an offset from the base transmit index to prepare loopback packets. The default offset of 0 should be configured. However, if loopback transmit packets are configured with an offset, the transmit buffer size must also be adjusted by the additional number of offset bytes.
  13. Memory address. By default, this field is configured to 0x00000000. A value of 0 tells µC/TCP-IP to allocate buffers for the loopback interface from the µC/LIB Memory Manager default heap. If a faster, more specialized memory is available, the loopback interface buffers may be allocated into an alternate region if desired.
  14. Memory size. By default, this field is configured to 0. A value of 0 tells µC/TCP-IP to allocate as much memory as required from the µC/LIB Memory Manager default heap. If an alternate memory region is specified in the ‘Memory Address’ field above, then the maximum size of the specified memory segment must be specified.

  15. Optional configuration flags. Configure (optional) loopback features by logically OR’ing bit-field flags:
    NET_DEV_CFG_FLAG_NONE No loopback configuration flags selected

Adding a Loopback Interface

Basically, to enable and add the loopback interface you only have to enable the loopback interface within the network configuration See Network Interfaces Configuration.

Network Queues Configuration

The device configuration will directly impact the Network Task Queues Configuration.

The µC/TCP-IP stack includes two queues. The first one is the Rx queue and is used to store the Rx buffer that have been filled and are ready to be process. The second queue is the Tx deallocation and is used to store the Tx buffers that are ready to be deallocate.

The size of the Rx queue should reflects the total number of DMA receive descriptors configured for all the interfaces. If the devices are not DMA-based, it should reflects the maximum number of packets that can be acknowledged and signaled during a single receive interrupt even for all interfaces.

The size of the Tx queue should be defined as the total number of small and large transmit buffers declared for all interfaces.

Please refer to section Task Queue Configuration for more details.
