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Comment: Published by Scroll Versions from this space and version 3.03.00
  1. This example show how to initialize µC/TCP-IP with mutliple multiple interface:

    1. Initialize Stack tasks and objects
    2. Initialize an Ethernet Interface
    3. Start that Ethernet Interface
    4. Configure IP addresses of the Ethernet Interface
    5. Initialize an Wireless Interface
    6. Start that Wireless Interface
    7. Scan for Wireless networks available
    8. Analyze scan result
    9. Join a Wireless network
    10. Configure IP addresses of that Wireless Interface

This example is based on template files so some modifications will be required, insert the appropriate project/board specific code to perform the stated actions. Note that the file init_multiple_if.c, located in the folder $/Micrium/Software/uC-TCPIP/Examples/Init, contains this sample application:

Code Block
#include  <cpu_core.h>
#include  <lib_mem.h>
#include  <Source/net.h>
#include  <Source/net_ascii.h>
#include  <IF/net_if.h>
#include  <IF/net_if_wifi.h>

#include  <IP/IPv4/net_ipv4.h>

#include  <IP/IPv6/net_ipv6.h>

#include  <Cfg/Template/net_dev_cfg.h>                      /* Device configuration header.           */
#include  <Dev/Ether/Template/net_dev_ether_template_dma.h> /* Device driver header.                  */
#include  <Dev/WiFi/Template/net_dev_wifi_template_spi.h>   /* Device driver header.                  */
#include  <Dev/Ether/PHY/Generic/net_phy.h>                 /* PHY driver header.                     */
#include  <Dev/WiFi/Manager/Generic/net_wifi_mgr.h>
#include  <BSP/Template/net_bsp_ether.h>                    /* BSP header.                            */
#include  <BSP/Template/net_bsp_wifi.h>                     /* BSP header.                            */
CPU_BOOLEAN  AppInit_TCPIP_MultipleIF (void)
    NET_IPv4_ADDR       addr_ipv4;
    NET_IPv4_ADDR       msk_ipv4;
    NET_IPv4_ADDR       gateway_ipv4;
    CPU_BOOLEAN         cfg_result;
    NET_FLAGS           ipv6_flags;
    NET_IPv6_ADDR       addr_ipv6;
    NET_IF_NBR          if_nbr_ether;
    NET_IF_NBR          if_nbr_wifi;
    NET_IF_WIFI_AP      ap[10];
    NET_IF_WIFI_SSID   *p_ssid;
    NET_IF_WIFI_SSID    ssid;
    NET_IF_WIFI_PSK     psk;
    CPU_INT16U          ctn;
    CPU_INT16U          i;
    CPU_INT16S          result;
    CPU_BOOLEAN         found;
    NET_ERR             err_net;
                                                                 /* -------- INITIALIZEINIT NETWORK TASKS & OBJECTS -------- */
    err_net = Net_Init(&NetRxTaskCfg,
    if (err_net != NET_ERR_NONE) {
        return (DEF_FAIL);

                                                             /* --------------  ADD ETHERNET INTERFACE -------------- */
    if_nbr_ether = NetIF_Add((void    *)&NetIF_API_Ether,           
                         (void    *)&NetDev_API_TemplateEtherDMA,  /* Device driver API                              */
                         (void    *)&NetDev_BSP_BoardDev_Nbr,      /* BSP API                                        */
                             (void    *)&NetDev_Cfg_Ether_1,           /* Device configuration                           */
                          (void    *)&NetPhy_API_Generic,           /* PHY driver API                                 */
                         (void    *)&NetPhy_Cfg_Ether_1,           /* PHY configuration                              */
    if (err_net != NET_IF_ERR_NONE) {
        return (DEF_FAIL);
                                                            /* ------------- START ETHERNET INTERFACE ------------- */
    NetIF_Start(if_nbr_ether, &err_net);                        /* Makes the interfaceIF ready to receiveRX and transmitTX.       */
    if (err_net != NET_IF_ERR_NONE) {
        return (DEF_FAIL);


                                                               /* --------- CONFIGURECFG IPV4 STATIC ADDRESSESADDR ---------- */
                                                                /* For Dynamic IPv4 configurationcfg, µC/DHCPc is required */
                                                            /* Update IPv4 AddressesAddr following your network ...     */
                                                                /* ... network requirements.              */
    NetASCII_Str_to_NetASCII_Str_to_IP("",                           /* Convert Host IPv4 string addressaddr to 32 bit address.  addr*/
    NetASCII_Str_to_IP("",                         /* Convert IPv4 mask string to 32 bit addressaddr.          */
    NetASCII_Str_to_IP("",                            /* Convert Gateway string address to 32 bit addressaddr.    */
    NetIPv4_CfgAddrAdd(if_nbr_ether,                            /* Add a statically-configured IPv4 host address,   ... */
                       addr_ipv4,                               /* ... host addr, subnet mask, & default gateway to the        ... */
                       msk_ipv4,                                /* ... interface.default gateway to                           the IF.          */
    if (err_net != NET_IPv4_ERR_NONE) {
        return (DEF_FAIL);

                                                            /* ----- CONFIGURESTART IPV6 STATICSTATELESS LINK LOCAL ADDRESS -AUTO-CFG ---- */
    NetIPv6_AddrAutoCfgHookSet(if_nbr_ether,                /* Set Hook to received Auto-Cfg result.  */
    /* IPv6 Autoconfiguration is not yet supported.         */           &err_net);
    cfg_result = NetIPv6_AddrAutoCfgEn(if_nbr_ether,        /* Enable and Start Auto-Cfg process.     */
                       /* DHCPv6c is not yet available.           DEF_YES,
            */                          &err_net);
    if (cfg_result == DEF_FAIL) {
        return (DEF_FAIL);
        /* TODO Update IPv6 Address following your network ...  */                                          /* --- CFG IPV6 STATIC LINK LOCAL ADDR -- */
             /*  ... requirements.                                    */     NetASCII_Str_to_IP("fe80::1111:1111",   /* DHCPv6c is not yet available.          */
    /* Convert IPv6 string address to 128 bit address.      */                        &addr_ipv6,                  /* TODO Update IPv6 Addr following  NET_IPv6_ADDR_SIZE,your...*/
                        &err_net);     NetIPv6_CfgAddrAdd(if_nbr_ether,                               /* Add a statically-configured IPv6 host address to ...... network requirements.              */
    NetASCII_Str_to_IP("fe80::1111:1111",                  &addr_ipv6, /* Convert IPv6 string to 128 bit addr.   */
                   /* ... the interface. &addr_ipv6,
        */               &err_net);
    ipv6_flags = 64,0;                       &err_net);     if (err_net != NET_IPv6_ERR_NONE) {         return
(DEF_FAIL);     }
#endifDEF_BIT_SET(ipv6_flags, NET_IPv6_FLAG_BLOCK_EN);        /* Set Addr Cfg as blocking.              */
    DEF_BIT_SET(ipv6_flags, NET_IPv6_FLAG_DAD_EN);          /* Enable DAD with Addr Configuration.    */
    cfg_result   = NetIPv6_CfgAddrAdd(if_nbr_ether,     /* -------------- ADD WIRELESS INTERFACE -------------- */
    if_nbr_wifi = NetIF_Add((void    *)&NetIF_API_WiFi, /* Add a statically-configured IPv6 ...   */
                               (void    *)&NetDevaddr_API_TemplateWiFiSpiipv6,  /* Change following your Device driver API.        /*/ ...  host address to the interface.    */
                 (void    *)&NetDev_BSP_WiFi,             /* Change for64,
your BSP API.                        */          ipv6_flags,
                  (void    *)&NetDev_Cfg_WiFi_1,           /* Change for Device configuration. &err_net);
    if (cfg_result == DEF_FAIL) {
return (DEF_FAIL);
                    (void    *)&NetWiFiMgr_API_Generic,                                    /* ------- ADD WIRELESS  DEF_NULL,
INTERFACE ------- */
    if_nbr_wifi     = NetIF_Add(&NetIF_API_WiFi,
                            &err_net);NetDev_API_TemplateWiFiSpi,    /* if (err_net != NET_IF_ERR_NONE) {
Change following your Device driver API*/
       return (DEF_FAIL);     }               &NetDev_BSP_WiFi,               /* Change for your BSP API.               */
               /* ------------- START WIRELESS INTERFACE ------------- */             NetIF_Start(if_nbr_wifi, &err_net);&NetDev_Cfg_WiFi_1,             /* Change for Device configuration.        */* Makes
the interface ready to receive and transmit.   */     if (err_net != NET_IF_ERR_NONE) {         return (DEF_FAIL);&NetWiFiMgr_API_Generic,
    }                         DEF_NULL,
    if (err_net !=     /* ------------ SCAN FOR WIRELESS NETWORKS ------------ */
    ctn = NetIF_WiFi_Scan(if_nbr_wifi,
        return (DEF_FAIL);
                         ap,                                   /* Access point table.   ------ START WIRELESS INTERFACE ------ */
    NetIF_Start(if_nbr_wifi, &err_net);                     /* Makes the IF ready */to RX and TX.       */
    if (err_net != NET_IF_ERR_NONE) {
       10, return (DEF_FAIL);
                           /* Access point table size.                             /*/ ----- SCAN FOR WIRELESS NETWORKS ----- */
    ctn   = NetIF_WiFi_Scan(if_nbr_wifi,
           DEF_NULL,               ap,              /* Hidden SSID.               /* Access point table.                       */
                          NET_IF_WIFI_CH_ALL10,                   /* Channel to scan.         /* Access point table size.               */
        */                  DEF_NULL,        &err_net);     if (err_net != NET_IF_WIFI_ERR_NONE) {        /* return (DEF_FAIL);Hidden SSID.     }                      */
                          NET_IF_WIFI_CH_ALL,                 /* --------- ANALYSE WIRELESS NETWORKS FOUND ---------- */Channel to scan.         found = DEF_NO;     for (i = 0; i < ctn -*/
1; i++) {                       &err_net);
     /* Browse table of access point found.if (err_net != NET_IF_WIFI_ERR_NONE) {
        return (DEF_FAIL);
       */         p_ssid = &ap[i].SSID;         result = Str_Cmp_N((CPU_CHAR *)p_ssid,                  /* Search for a specific Wireless Network SSID.     /* --- ANALYSE WIRELESS */NETWORKS FOUND -- */
    found = DEF_NO;
    for (i = 0; i < ctn - 1; i++) {              "Wifi_AP_SSID",           /* ChangeBrowse fortable yourof WiFiaccess Networkpoint SSIDfound.    */
        p_ssid = &ap[i].SSID;
   */     result = Str_Cmp_N((CPU_CHAR *)p_ssid,              /* Search for a specific WiFi Network SSID*/
          NET_IF_WIFI_STR_LEN_MAX_SSID);         if (result == 0) {             found = DEF_YES;"Wifi_AP_SSID",       /* Change for your WiFi  break;Network SSID.     */
   }     if (foundresult == DEF_NO0) {
        return (    found = DEF_FAIL)YES;
    }        break;
    if (found == DEF_NO) {
        return (DEF_FAIL);
                    /* -------                                        /* ------ JOIN A WIRELESS NETWORK -------------- */
    Mem_Clr(&ssid, sizeof(ssid));
    Mem_Clr(&psk,  sizeof(psk));
    Str_Copy_N((CPU_CHAR *)&ssid,
                           "Wifi_AP_SSID",                      /* Change for your WiFi Network SSID.                   */
                            12);                                /* SSID string length.                                  */
    Str_Copy_N((CPU_CHAR *)&psk,
                           "Password",                          /* Change for your WiFi Network Password. */
             */                             88);                                 /* PSK string length.                                   */
                    ap[i].NetType,                              /* WiFi Network type.                                   */
                    NET_IF_WIFI_DATA_RATE_AUTO,                 /* Data rate.                                           */
                    ap[i].SecurityType,                         /* WiFi Network security type.                          */
                    NET_IF_WIFI_PWR_LEVEL_HI,                   /* Power level.                           */
             */       ssid,              ssid,                                       //* WiFi Network SSID.                                   */
                    psk,                                        /* WiFi Network PSK.                                    */
    if (err_net != NET_IF_WIFI_ERR_NONE) {
        return (DEF_FAIL);


                                                               /* --------- CONFIGURECFG IPV4 STATIC ADDRESSESADDR ---------- */
                                                                /* For Dynamic IPv4 configurationcfg, µC/DHCPc is required */
                                                            /* Update IPv4 AddressesAddr following your network ...     */
                                                                /* ... network requirements.              */
    NetASCII_Str_to_NetASCII_Str_to_IP("",                          /* Convert Host IPv4 string addressaddr to 32 bit address.  addr*/
    NetASCII_Str_to_IP("",                         /* Convert IPv4 maskMask string to 32 bit addressaddr.          */
    NetASCII_Str_to_IP("",                           /* Convert Gateway string address to 32 bit addressaddr.    */
    NetIPv4_CfgAddrAdd(if_nbr_wifi,                             /* Add a statically-configured IPv4 host address,   ...   */
                       addr_ipv4,                               /* ... host addr, subnet mask, & default  gateway to... the  */
     ... */
                       msk_ipv4,                                /* ... interface.default gateway to         the IF.                            */
    if (err_net != NET_IPv4_ERR_NONE) {
        return (DEF_FAIL);

                                                            /* ----- CONFIGURESTART IPV6 STATICSTATELESS LINK LOCAL ADDRESS AUTO-CFG ----- */
    NetIPv6_AddrAutoCfgHookSet(if_nbr_wifi,                 /* Set hook to received Auto-Cfg result.  */
                              &App_AutoCfgResult,    /*  IPv6 Autoconfiguration is not yet supported. /* TODO update ptr to hook defined in App.*/
    cfg_result = NetIPv6_AddrAutoCfgEn(if_nbr_wifi,         /* Enable and Start Auto-Cfg process.     */
  /* DHCPv6c is not yet available.                        */        DEF_YES,
    if (cfg_result == DEF_FAIL) {
        /* Update IPv6 Address following your network ...  return (DEF_FAIL);
    */                                                        /* --- CFG IPV6 STATIC LINK LOCAL ADDR -- */*
... requirements.                                    */                       /* DHCPv6c is not yet available.          */
                          /* See Note #5.                               /* Update IPv6 Addr following your ...    */
    NetASCII_Str_to_IP("fe80::4444:1111",                       /* Convert IPv6 string address to 128 bit address.      */                   /* ... network requirements.              */
    NetASCII_Str_to_IP("fe80::4444:1111",                   /* Convert IPv6 string to 128 bit addr.   */
    &addr_ipv6,ipv6_flags = 0;
    DEF_BIT_SET(ipv6_flags, NET_IPv6_FLAG_BLOCK_EN);        /* Set Address Configuration as blocking. */
    DEF_BIT_SET(ipv6_flags, NET_IPv6_ADDR_SIZE,FLAG_DAD_EN);          /* Enable DAD with Address Configuration. */
    cfg_result  &err_net);= NetIPv6_CfgAddrAdd(if_nbr_wifi,            /*  NetIPv6_CfgAddrAdd(if_nbr_wifi,   Add a statically-configured IPv6 ...   */
                      /* Add a statically-configured IPv6 host address to ... */    &addr_ipv6,              /* ... host address to &addr_ipv6, the interface.     */
                        /* ... the interface.         64,
                         */           ipv6_flags,
            64,                       &err_net);
    if (errcfg_netresult !== NET_IPv6_ERR_NONEDEF_FAIL) {
        return (DEF_FAIL);
     return (DEF_OK);




Refer to the sample codes in section Ethernet Sample Application and WiFi Sample Application for more details on the diverse function calls.