Anchor |
1091613 | 1091613 | Commands Anchor |
1091614 | 1091614 | The supported commands, listed in the table below, are equivalent to the standard UNIX commands of the same names, though the functionality is typically simpler, with few or no special options.
HTML Table |
summary |
class | Plain_Table |
Table Row (tr) |
Table Cell (td) |
Anchor |
1092475 | 1092475 | Command Table Cell (td) |
Anchor |
1092477 | 1092477 | Description Table Row (tr) |
Table Cell (td) |
Anchor |
1092479 | 1092479 | fs_cat Table Cell (td) |
Anchor |
1092481 | 1092481 |
Command | Description |
fs_cat | Print file contents to the terminal output. |
Table Row (tr) |
Table Cell (td) |
Anchor |
| 1092483 | 1092483 Table Cell (td) |
Anchor |
1092485 | 1092485 | Change the working directory. |
Table Row (tr) |
Table Cell (td) |
Anchor |
1092487 | 1092487 | td Anchor |
1092489 | 1092489 | Table Row (tr) |
Table Cell (td) |
Anchor |
10924911092491 | Table Cell (td) |
Anchor |
1092493 | 1092493 | Write the date and time to terminal output, or set the system date and time |
Table Row (tr) |
Table Cell (td) |
Anchor |
1092495 | 1092495 Table Cell (td) |
Anchor |
1092497 | 1092497 | Table Row (tr) |
Table Cell (td) |
Anchor |
1092499 | 1092499 | td Anchor |
1092501 | 1092501 | Table Row (tr) |
Table Cell (td) |
anchor1092503 | 1092503 | Table Cell (td) |
Anchor |
1092505 | 1092505 Table Row (tr) |
Table Cell (td) |
Anchor |
10925071092507 | Table Cell (td) |
Anchor |
1092509 | 1092509 | Table Row (tr) |
Table Cell (td) |
Anchor |
1092511 | 1092511 | Table Cell (td) |
Anchor |
1092513 | 1092513 | Table Row (tr) |
Table Cell (td) |
anchor1092515 | 1092515 | Table Cell (td) |
Anchor |
1092517 | 1092517 Table Row (tr) |
Table Cell (td) |
Anchor |
10925191092519 | Table Cell (td) |
Anchor |
1092521 | 1092521 | Dump file contents to terminal output. |
Table Row (tr) |
Table Cell (td) |
Anchor |
1092523 | 1092523 | Table Cell (td) |
Anchor |
1092525 | 1092525 | Write to terminal output pathname of current working directory. |
Table Row (tr) |
td Anchor |
1092527 | 1092527 | Table Cell (td) |
Anchor |
1092529 | 1092529 | Remove a directory entry. |
Table Row (tr) |
Table Cell (td) |
anchor1092531 | 1092531 | Table Cell (td) |
Anchor |
1092533 | 1092533 | Table Row (tr) |
td Anchor |
1092535 | 1092535 | Table Cell (td) |
Anchor |
1092537 | 1092537 | Change file modification time. |
Table Row (tr) |
td Anchor |
1092539 | 1092539 | Table Cell (td) |
Anchor |
10925411092541 | Table Row (tr) |
Table Cell (td) |
anchor1092543 | 1092543 | td Anchor |
1092545 | 1092545 | Determine the number of newlines, words and bytes in a file. |
Anchor |
1093834 | 1093834 | Information about each command can be obtained using the help (-h) option:anchor...
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