Anchor |
1004323 | 1004323 | Translation Layer Source Files Anchor |
1004324 | 1004324 | The files relevant to the NAND translation layer are outlined in this section; the generic file-system files, outlined in
Chapter 3, “µCµC/FS Directories and Files” on page 29Files, are also required.
Anchor |
10043281004328 | \Micrium\Software\uC-FS\Dev\NAND
Anchor |
1004329 | 1004329 | This directory contains the NAND driver files.
Anchor |
1004330 | 1004330 | \fs_dev_nand.*
Anchor |
1004331 | 1004331 | These files compose the NAND translation layer. These following source files contain the code for the NAND translation layer.
Anchor |
1004332 | 1004332 | \Cfg\Template\fs_dev_nand_cfg.h
This is a template file that is required to be copied to the application directory to configure the µC/FS NAND driver based on application requirements.