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The operations described above are summarized using the pseudo-code shown in the listing below.

Code Block
titleUsing a semaphore to access a shared resource
OS_SEM  MySem;                               (1) 
void  main (void)
    OS_ERR  err;
    OSSemCreate(&MySem,                      (2) 
               "My Semaphore",               (3) 
               1,                            (4) 
               &err);                        (5) 
    /* Check "err" */
    /* Create task(s) */


(1) The application must declare a semaphore as a variable of type OS_SEM. This variable will be referenced by other semaphore services.

(2) You create a semaphore by calling OSSemCreate() and pass the address to the semaphore allocated in (1). The semaphore must be created before it can be used by other tasks. Here, the semaphore is initialized in startup code (i.e., main()), however it could also be initialized by a task (but it must be initialized before it is used).

(3) You can assign an ASCII name to the semaphore, which can be used by debuggers or µC/Probe to easily identify the semaphore. Storage for the ASCII characters is typically in ROM, which is typically more plentiful than RAM. If it is necessary to change the name of the semaphore at runtime, you can store the characters in an array in RAM and simply pass the address of the array to OSSemCreate(). Of course, the array must be NUL terminated.

(4) You specify the initial value of the semaphore. You should initialize the semaphore to 1 when the semaphore is used to access a single shared resource (as in this example).

(5) OSSemCreate() returns an error code based on the outcome of the call. If all the arguments are valid, err will contain OS_ERR_NONE. Refer to the description of OSSemCreate() in Appendix A, µC/OS-III API Reference for a list of other error codes and their meaning.

Code Block
titleUsing a semaphore to access a shared resource
void  Task1 (void *p_arg)
    OS_ERR  err;
    CPU_TS  ts;
    while (DEF_ON) {
        OSSemPend(&MySem,                              (1) 
                  0,                                   (2) 
                  OS_OPT_PEND_BLOCKING,                (3) 
                  &ts,                                 (4) 
                  &err);                               (5) 
        switch (err) {
            case OS_ERR_NONE:
                 Access Shared Resource;               (6) 
                 OSSemPost(&MySem,                     (7) 
                           OS_OPT_POST_1,              (8) 
                           &err);                      (9) 
                 /* Check "err" */
            case OS_ERR_PEND_ABORT:
                 /* The pend was aborted by another task     */
            case OS_ERR_OBJ_DEL:
                 /* The semaphore was deleted                */
                 /* Other errors                             */


(1) The task pends (or waits) on the semaphore by calling OSSemPend(). The application must specify the desired semaphore to wait upon, and the semaphore must have been previously created.

(2) The next argument is a timeout specified in number of clock ticks. The actual timeout depends on the tick rate. If the tick rate (see os_cfg_app.h) is set to 1000, a timeout of 10 ticks represents 10 milliseconds. Specifying a timeout of zero (0) means waiting forever for the semaphore.

(3) The third argument specifies how to wait. There are two options: OS_OPT_PEND_BLOCKING and OS_OPT_PEND_NON_BLOCKING. The blocking option means that if the semaphore is not available, the task calling OSSemPend() will wait until the semaphore is posted or until the timeout expires. The non-blocking option indicates that if the semaphore is not available, OSSemPend() will return immediately and not wait. This last option is rarely used when using a semaphore to protect a shared resource.

(4) When the semaphore is posted, µC/OS-III reads a “timestamp” and returns this timestamp when OSSemPend() returns. This feature allows the application to know “when” the post happened and the semaphore was released. At this point, OS_TS_GET() is read to get the current timestamp and you can compute the difference, indicating the length of the wait.

(5) OSSemPend() returns an error code based on the outcome of the call. If the call is successful, err will contain OS_ERR_NONE. If not, the error code will indicate the reason for the error. See Appendix A, µC-OS-III Configuration Manual for a list of possible error code for OSSemPend(). Checking for error return values is important since other tasks might delete or otherwise abort the pend. However, it is not a recommended practice to delete kernel objects at run time as the action may cause serious problems.

(6) The resource can be accessed when OSSemPend() returns, if there are no errors.

(7) When finished accessing the resource, you simply call OSSemPost() and specify the semaphore to be released.

(8) OS_OPT_POST_1 indicates that the semaphore is signaling a single task, if there are many tasks waiting on the semaphore. In fact, you should always specify this option when a semaphore is used to access a shared resource.

(9) As with most µC/OS-III functions, you specify the address of a variable that will receive an error message from the call.

Code Block
titleUsing a semaphore to access a shared resource
void  Task2 (void *p_arg)
    OS_ERR  err;
    CPU_TS  ts;
    while (DEF_ON) {
        OSSemPend(&MySem,                             (1) 
        switch (err) {
            case OS_ERR_NONE:
                 Access Shared Resource;
                 /* Check "err" */
            case OS_ERR_PEND_ABORT:
                 /* The pend was aborted by another task     */
            case OS_ERR_OBJ_DEL:
                 /* The semaphore was deleted                */
                 /* Other errors                             */


(1) Another task wanting to access the shared resource needs to use the same procedure to access the shared resource.

Semaphores are especially useful when tasks share I/O devices. Imagine what would happen if two tasks were allowed to send characters to a printer at the same time. The printer would contain interleaved data from each task. For instance, the printout from Task 1 printing “I am Task 1,” and Task 2 printing “I am Task 2,” could result in “I Ia amm T Tasask k1 2”. In this case, you can use a semaphore and initialize it to 1 (i.e., a binary semaphore). The rule is simple: to access the printer each task must first obtain the resource’s semaphore. The figure below  shows tasks competing for a semaphore to gain exclusive access to the printer. Note that a key, indicating that each task must obtain this key to use the printer, represents the semaphore symbolically.

titleUsing a semaphore to access a printer
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The above example implies that each task knows about the existence of the semaphore to access the resource. It is almost always better to encapsulate the critical section and its protection mechanism. Each task would therefore not know that it is acquiring a semaphore when accessing the resource. For example, an RS-232C port is used by multiple tasks to send commands and receive responses from a device connected at the other end as shown in the figure below.

titleHiding a semaphore from a task

Image Added

The function CommSendCmd() is called with three arguments: the ASCII string containing the command, a pointer to the response string from the device, and finally, a timeout in case the device does not respond within a certain amount of time. The pseudo-code for this function is shown in the listing below.

Code Block
titleEncapsulating the use of a semaphore
APP_ERR  CommSendCmd (CPU_CHAR  *cmd,
                      CPU_CHAR  *response,
                      OS_TICK    timeout)
    Acquire serial port's semaphore;
    Send "cmd" to device;
    Wait for response with "timeout";
    if (timed out) {
        Release serial port's semaphore;
        return (error code);
    } else {
        Release serial port's semaphore;
        return (no error);

Each task that needs to send a command to the device must call this function. The semaphore is assumed to be initialized to 1 (i.e., available) by the communication driver initialization routine. The first task that calls CommSendCmd() acquires the semaphore, proceeds to send the command, and waits for a response. If another task attempts to send a command while the port is busy, this second task is suspended until the semaphore is released. The second task appears simply to have made a call to a normal function that will not return until the function performs its duty. When the semaphore is released by the first task, the second task acquires the semaphore and is allowed to use the RS-232C port.