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The members of an MQTT-client Connection object should never be directly tampered with at any time.

Code Block
titleListing - MQTTc_CONN Structure
struct  mqttc_conn {
    NET_SOCK_ID                 SockId;                         /* Connection's socket ID.                              */
    CPU_INT08U                  SockSelFlags;                   /* Flags to identify which oper must be checked in Sel. */
    CPU_CHAR                   *BrokerIP_Addr;                  /* MQTT broker's IP addr.                               */
    CPU_CHAR                   *BrokerNamePtr;                  /* MQTT broker's name.                                  */
    CPU_INT16U                  BrokerPortNbr;                  /* MQTT broker's port nbr.                              */
    CPU_INT16U                  InactivityTimeout_s;            /* Inactivity timeout, in seconds.                      */
    CPU_CHAR                   *ClientID_Str;                   /* Client ID str.                                       */
    CPU_CHAR                   *UsernameStr;                    /* Username str.                                        */
    CPU_CHAR                   *PasswordStr;                    /* Password str.                                        */
    CPU_INT16U                  KeepAliveTimerSec;              /* Keep alive timer duration, in seconds.               */
    MQTTc_WILL_CFG             *WillCfgPtr;                     /* Ptr to will cfg, if any.                             */
    NET_APP_SOCK_SECURE_CFG    *SecureCfgPtr;                   /* Ptr to secure will cfg, if any.                      */
                                                                /* -------------------- CALLBACKS --------------------- */
    MQTTc_CMPL_CALLBACK         OnCmpl;                         /* Generic, on cmpl callback.                           */
    MQTTc_CMPL_CALLBACK         OnConnectCmpl;                  /* On connect cmpl callback.                            */
    MQTTc_CMPL_CALLBACK         OnPublishCmpl;                  /* On publish cmpl callback.                            */
    MQTTc_CMPL_CALLBACK         OnSubscribeCmpl;                /* On subscribe cmpl callback.                          */
    MQTTc_CMPL_CALLBACK         OnUnsubscribeCmpl;              /* On unsubscribe cmpl callback.                        */
    MQTTc_CMPL_CALLBACK         OnPingReqCmpl;                  /* On ping req cmpl callback.                           */
    MQTTc_CMPL_CALLBACK         OnDisconnectCmpl;               /* On disconnect cmpl callback.                         */
    MQTTc_PUBLISH_RX_CALLBACK   OnPublishRx;                    /* On publish rx'd cmpl callback.                       */
    void                       *ArgPtr;                         /* Ptr to arg that will be provided to callbacks.       */
    CPU_INT32U                  TimeoutMs;                      /* Timeout for 'Open' operation, in milliseconds.       */
                                                                /* ----------------- NEXT MSG VALUES ------------------ */
    CPU_INT08U                  NextMsgHeader;                  /* Header of next msg to parse.                         */
    CPU_INT32U                  NextMsgRxLen;                   /* Rx len of next msg.                                  */
    MQTTc_MSG_TYPE              NextMsgType;                    /* Next msg's type.                                     */
    CPU_INT32U                  NextMsgLen;                     /* Len remaining to rx for next msg.                    */
    CPU_BOOLEAN                 NextMsgLenIsCmpl;               /* Flag indicating if next msg's len value is rx'd.     */
    CPU_INT16U                  NextMsgMsgID;                   /* ID of next msg, if any.                              */
    CPU_BOOLEAN                 NextMsgMsgID_IsCmpl;            /* Flag indicating if next msg's ID has been rx'd.      */
    MQTTc_MSG                  *NextMsgPtr;                     /* Ptr to next msg, if known.                           */
    MQTTc_MSG                  *PublishRxMsgPtr;                /* Ptr to msg that is used to rx publish from server.   */
    MQTTc_MSG                  *TxMsgHeadPtr;                   /* Ptr to head of msg needing to tx or waiting reply.   */
    CPU_INT32U                  NextTxMsgTxLen;                 /* Len of already xfer'd data.                          */
    MQTTc_CONN                 *NextPtr;                        /* Ptr to next conn.                                    */

MQTT-client Message (MQTTc_MSG)


The members of an MQTT-client Message object should never be directly tempered with at any time.

Code Block
titleListing - MQTTc_MSG Structure
struct  mqttc_msg {
    MQTTc_CONN       *ConnPtr;                                  /* Ptr to MQTTc_CONN associated.                        */
    MQTTc_MSG_TYPE    Type;                                     /* Msg's type.                                          */
    MQTTc_MSG_STATE   State;                                    /* Msg's state.                                         */
    CPU_INT08U        QoS;                                      /* Msg's QoS.                                           */
    CPU_INT16U        MsgID;                                    /* Msg ID used by msg.                                  */
    CPU_INT08U       *BufPtr;                                   /* Ptr to rx/tx buf.                                    */
    CPU_INT32U        BufLen;                                   /* Avail buf len for msg.                               */
    CPU_INT32U        XferLen;                                  /* Len of xfer.                                         */
    MQTTc_ERR         Err;                                      /* Err associated to processing of msg.                 */
    MQTTc_MSG        *NextPtr;                                  /* Ptr to next msg.                                     */