To verifythat the repository is correctly registered you can try to generate a BSP with the File->New Board Support Package.The "ucos" BSP should be available in the list of supported BSPs.
Upgrade instructions
The recommended approach when upgrading to a new version of the μ C/OS BSP is to create a brand new BSP instead of updating the existing ones. To upgrade the BSP version in an existing workspace Micrium recommends the following workflow :
- Extract the newly downloaded BSP in a new directory
- Install the repository in the current workspace. Making sure to keep the old one available.
- Generate a new BSP for your hardware platform using the File->New->Board Support Package
- Go through the various configurations to match the old BSP
- Change the BSP referenced by your projects. To do so right click on the project and select "Change Referenced BSP"
- Clean and Rebuild the project
Alternative approach:
A faster but possibly less safe method is to change the current bsp version from the BSP Configuration dialog. It is recommended to save a backup of the current BSP in case you need to revert. After changing the version click the regenerate BSP sources button. Then clean and rebuild the project. If any configuration changed between BSP version they may not have been taken into consideration the first time. To fix this, after regenerating the BSP re-open the configuration dialog to take care of new/changed configurations.