This section describes all the steps required to build a HTTPsDHCPc-based application. The instructions provided in this section are not intended for any particular toolchain, but instead are described in a generic way that can be adapted to any toolchain.
The best way to start building a HTTPs DHCPc-based project is to start from an existing project. If you are using µC/OS-II or µC/OS-III, Micrium provides example projects for multiple development boards and compilers. If your target board is not listed on Micrium’s web site, you can download an example project for a similar board or microcontroller.If you are starting from a Micriµm example, section µC/HTTPs Project Example gives more details on the Micriµm example repository and included files.TCP-IP project.
Working project with
The first step before including the µC/HTTPs is to have a working project with the RTOS of your choiceµC/TCP-IP. As previously mentioned, Micriµm offers Micriµm may offer starting example with the µC/OS-II III kernels and µC/OS-III kernels TCP-IP and even with µC/HTTPs for many evalboards.
Complete documentation for If no project that include µC/OS-II here, including a Getting Started Guide.Complete documentation for µC/OS-III here, including a Getting Started GuideTCP-IP is available, you should follow the µC/TCP-IP Getting Started Guide to ensure to have a working project which use fix IP address before installing µC/HTTPs. Then you can follow the following steps to build and run a first µC/HTTPs sample application.
Including Additional Modules to the Project
Once you have a working project with your RTOS , and µC/TCP-IP additional modules are needed by the Micriµm HTTP server that are not necessarily already included in your project. Therefore, be sure to add µC/CPU, µC/LIB , µC/Common and µC/TCPIP to TCP-IP to your project.
Complete documentation for µC/CPU here.
Complete documentation for µC/LIB here.
Complete documentation for µC/Common here.
Complete documentation for µC/TCPIP here.
Bear in mind to include the required paths associated with those modules to your project’s C compiler settings.
Refer to the following manuals for further information about MIcrium modules:.
Including µC/HTTPs Source Code
Include the following files in your project tree from the µC/HTTPs source code distribution, as indicated in Figure - µC/HTTPs Source Code.
\Micrium\Software\uC-HTTPs\OS\<OS type>TCPIP
Copying and Modifying Template Files