The Persistent Connection support can be enabled in the µC/HTTP-server. In that case, the server will close the connection at the end of a transaction only if the header "Connection: close" was received in the HTTP request, else the connection will be maintain open until the HTTP client decides to close the connection or until the server connection inactivity timeout is reached. When the feature is disabled, the HTTP server will always add the "Connection: close" header to the HTTP response and will always closed the connection after the transaction is completed.
See Section Persistent Connection Configuration to enable the Persistent Connection Option feature.
µC/HTTP-client supports persistent connection. However, since µC/HTTP-client only supports HTTP v1.1, the header "Connection : Keep-Alive" is not supported. When the persistent connection mode is disabled, the header "Connection: close" will be automatically added to the request; and when the persistent connection mode is enabled, no header will be added. Furthermore, if a "Connection: close" header is received when none was sent, the client will close the connection if the server hasn't already.
See Section Persistent Connection Configuration to enable the Persistent Connection Option feature.